How much are you worth?

If I were to ask you: “How much do you think you’re worth?”, what would your answer be? Ten thousand dollars? A million? The answer to such question should always be: “I’m priceless”. Nobody can put a price tag on you. Nobody can buy you. If we accept this premise to be true, why then do we lower the standards we have set in order to meet expectations? Why then do we choose to settle for less than we deserve?

The answer to these questions varies depending on who you ask. In my honest opinion, most of them should include references to time, self-esteem and perspective. Of course, situations may vary as they often do therefore I’ll give you a couple of examples in which these come into play.


Time plays a strong role in our development as people. Lost time is never found yet we still waste a lot of it. With time, our backs will be against the wall because we feel like we’ve missed out on a lot and, next thing you know, society is embedding in our heads that it’s time to get married and have kids. I just turned thirty and I don’t feel any pressure whatsoever. All I see around me is my peers tying the knot and becoming parents; I don’t even have a girlfriend! After these very important steps in their lives, they see me still single and look at me with eyes of regret. I would never want that on anyone; living with regret is no way to live at all. So the next time you feel as if you’re pressured to make a decision in your life as important as marriage or anything else of that caliber, take a step back and analyze. You’re worth more than that.


Self-esteem is another factor that determines your self-worth. It is composed of your values and beliefs along with past experiences that you’ve been through in life. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Your reflection tells a lot about you. If you see a happy, positive and ambitious person then chances are you’re going to see yourself in a bright light. On the other hand, if what you see is a mediocre, tired and unmotivated image then your self-esteem has taken a toll. My recommendation is that you take some time for yourself and reassess your current state. Learn what encourages you to become a better person so that you can set aside everything that holds you back.


This is something that needs to change for your self-worth to go up. By now, you’ve probably heard a million quotes about attitude and how it all changes your outlook on life; that’s fine. It’s true. Perspective, however, is the way you see things regardless of how they really are. The classic example is the glass and whether or not it’s half-full or half-empty. When you assume a positive perspective, you’ll feel better about yourself. When you do, you’ll become a more productive person and, in turn, you’ll create a more productive environment around you.

In conclusion, you are priceless. Regardless of whether you’re rich or poor, tall or short, famous or not: you’re priceless. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different.