Watch your mouth!

How many times have you been discouraged by your own actions? If the answer is “plenty”, guess what? You’re not alone. As people, we have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the worst possible time. We plague ourselves with constant negativity when faced with adverse situations. Take the abominable Mondays, for example. When that dreaded day of the week rolls around, we roll our eyes along with it. The first day of the week is nobody’s friend and as soon as we assume this attitude, our entire week starts out on the wrong foot. “Mondays suck”, “Is it Friday yet?” and (my favorite) “I hate my job” are all red flags. These are all the erroneous phrases to utter. They tell me that your head is not in the right place; far from it, to be honest with you.

The message I’m trying to convey is simple: your thoughts become your words. When you vocalize a thought, you’re always listening. It’s the never-ending cycle of information that you’re constantly feeding your brain in which it learns how to operate. Therefore, what you tell it to do over and over again will become the norm. If the phrase “I can’t” is a constant in your vocabulary then there will be plenty of things that you won’t accomplish in your life, let alone try to. The way you treat your ears will say a lot about the type of life you lead. Don’t misguide yourself with nonsense and negativity. It doesn’t need that burden; what it needs is completely the opposite.

Instead of “no”, “can’t” and “won’t”, substitute them for “yes”, “can” and “will”. It’s amazing what we can achieve in our lives if we just adopt the right attitude. You can’t go through life with your head down the entire time and expect great results. That’s why it’s so important to cheer yourself on through the right vocabulary. You are your own cheerleader when nobody is around. Immerse yourself in a sea of positivity every chance you get. When faced with a tall task, believe that nothing is too great for you. Challenge yourself to flip that coin and look at things from a brighter perspective. Not only will your outlook against obstacles change but your general view of the world will be much more productive which will lead to greater results.

In conclusion, gather your thoughts and analyze them before you speak. Think twice about what you’re going to say. The most sensitive ears are your own so watch your mouth!